SOAR Mourns the Loss of Frank Boross and Wolf Breiman
Frank played an invaluable role in the SOAR organization. For decades, aided by his wife Linda, he coordinated the production of our SOAR campaign mailers. His sense of design, his willingness to be there for us day and night during the toughest of campaigns, his patience and kindness and dedication giving so much of him- self for SOAR, has endeared him to us forever. From the graphic layout to the printing and mailing Frank allowed SOAR to mail much more cost effectively than our opponents and with more impact. This was essential to our winning campaigns.
Wolf Breiman
For the last two decades, Wolf’s passion for winning SOAR campaigns was incredibly infectious. He inspired us by being an all purpose volunteer, gathering thousands of signa- tures, making phone calls, attending mailing parties, and hosting events. These losses remind us how special the collection of committed SOAR volunteers is and how much we need to appreciate each other.