SOAR Launches Planning Giving Campaign

 In From the blog, In the News
We are embarking on a Planned Giving Campaign. The purpose is to raise money through planned gift pledges by our members, so that when the current generation passes on we will have assets for future generations to keep SOAR healthy and alive.The money will be used primarily to defend the November 2016 initiatives from legal challenges, and/or to renew SOAR in 2050 — to preserve farmland and open space in perpetuity. Naturally, you can also earmark your bequest for any purpose you choose.


Van Royce Vibber has volunteered to help coordinate our planned giving campaign. SOAR receives no government funding or endowments, so all gifts must come from you: our members.

We are just starting this Planned Giving Campaign. Our target is to raise $1,000,000. All Board members will be making a gift from their estates, and we are already at 25% towards our goal. There will be more information in future communications.

Meanwhile, if you would like information or want to get started on your planned giving now, please contact Van at 310-883-4537/[email protected] or SOAR Executive Director Karen Schmidt at 805-798-1629/[email protected].

Of course, you can also contact any of SOAR’s board members for more information…or for any reason you would like.

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