SOAR For Open Spaces


SOAR For Good Food


SOAR For The Next Generation

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SOAR Protects Ventura County’s Open Space.

SOAR (Save Open Space and Agricultural Resources) is a series of voter initiatives that protect open space and farmland by vote of the people.  The County SOAR requires a vote countywide before agricultural, rural or open space land in the unincorporated county can be rezoned for development. The eight voter-approved SOAR initiatives passed by the cities of Camarillo, Fillmore, Moorpark, Oxnard, Santa Paula, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks and Ventura require a citywide vote of approval for urban development beyond a City Urban Restriction Boundary (CURB), or, in the case of the City of Ventura, before rezoning agricultural land within the city’s sphere of influence. The Thousand Oaks SOAR initiative also protects open space and parks within the city.

The SOAR Myth Buster Fact Sheet is your resource for busting the myths about SOAR.


SOAR is a series of voter initiatives that require a vote of the people before agricultural land or open space areas can be rezoned for development.


SOAR depends on donations and contributions from our supporters. Please donate today to help sustain SOAR into the future.


Check out the latest news, updates, and campaigns affecting open space and agriculture in and around Ventura County.



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2 weeks ago

Excellent piece by Gabe Teran & David Newman! They present unbiased research that debunks the anti-SOAR CERF group’s housing report. Turns out Ventura County isn’t the economic anomaly CERF purports, though we do stand out for saving agricultural lands and the buffers between our cities, thanks to SOAR.
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Excellent piece by Gabe Teran & David Newman! They present unbiased research that debunks the anti-SOAR CERF group’s housing report. Turns out Ventura County isn’t the economic anomaly CERF purports, though we do stand out for saving agricultural lands and the buffers between our cities, thanks to SOAR.
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Has anyone ever seen new development that wasn’t priced as high as possible? No matter how much is built, both rent and sales prices keep going up (Outside of a market crash)

Excellent article!!! Please make sure everyvel cared official in Ventura County gets a copy!!!

I am not sure what universe this is in. SOAR hasn't "saved" a single piece of farmland from being turned into cookie cutter houses at least not in Camarillo or Santa Rosa Valley.

the red star

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